Wednesday, November 14, 2012

new sign landscaping

We had a great turn out for landscaping the Sherwood Oaks entrance sign at the corner of Winslow and Allendale. Thanks to Bob, Oliver, Ron, Dexter, Randall, Tom, and Brenda for all their work. The landscaping plants were chosen with the help of Bloomington Valley Nursery for both beauty and easy maintenance. In the spring we may add a few more flowering plants to heighten the color around the sign. Please take a look at our improved entrance as you drive by. It was a great neighborhood project that embodies what Sherwood Oaks Neighbors is trying to accomplish in our wonderful neighborhood. If folks would like to donate to offset the cost that would be much appreciated. Bob was willing to cover the cost but I think we oughta reimburse him as much as we can and hopefully there will be some leftover funds for spring planting too. If you want to contribute please e-mail sherwood oaks neighbors and we'll give you Bob's address (he is also serving as our treasurer).

Thanks to Bob and everyone who helped today.

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